Bethlehem Inn is a community-supported, high barrier emergency shelter that provides a warm, safe place to sleep, nourishing meals, and case management services for adults and children experiencing homelessness in Central Oregon. This life-saving and life-changing work could not be done without YOU and the compassion and generosity of our community.

We provide shelter, meals, case management, access to transportation, and work experience for our residents. 

Transforming Lives Together Through Shelter, Help and Hope

Ending homelessness in Central Oregon together.

Core Operating Values

  • Compassion. Creating a welcoming space where people are respected and accepted for who they are as individuals.
  • Equity. Sustaining an inclusive environment that ensures equitable treatment, access and opportunity for all.
  • Empowerment.  Empowering  residents to achieve stability.
  • Integrity.  Requiring the highest ethical standard of conduct inside our organization and in the community.
  • Collaboration.  Actively collaborating with community partners to fulfill our mission and vision.
  • Accountability.  Holding ourselves accountable to these principles.